ESPSticker kit for 2 rims, Made of premium vinyl of the highest quality. For 17 '' rims. It is served in parts, cut with the curvature of the rim and with a protractor to facilitate its placement. The kit includes: profile adhesives, test adhesive to practice and center the placement before putting the final ones, and care and assembly instructions.
Adhesive kit for 2 rims, made of Premium vinyl of the highest quality. For 17 '' rim. It is served in parts, cut with the curvature of the rim and with a conveyor to facilitate its placement.The kit includes: adhesives for profile, stickers for the inside of rim, test adhesive to practice and center the placement before putting the definitive ones , and instructions for care and assembly.
FRAAdhesive kit for 2 years, in Premium vinyl of the highest quality. Pour 17 '' jante. It is served in pieces, coupé avec la courbure de la jante et avec a convoyeur pour faciliter son placement. The kit includes: adhesion for the profil, adhesion test for practice and center placement avant de mettre les définitifs, et instructions pour le soin et l'assemblage.
ITAAdhesive kit for 2 pieces, made in premium vinyl of high quality. Per 17 '' cerchio. It comes served in part, tagliato with the curvature of the ring and with a transporter to facilitate the positioning. The kit includes: adesivi per il profilo, collaudo per esercitarsi and central il posizionamento prima di mettere quelli definivi and istruzioni for the cure and il montaggio.
The vinyls are guaranteed to preserve their appearance, color and dimensions for 8 years, manufactured with the highest quality 3M WRAP and ORACAL PREMIUM .